Mountlists for 3.5" MO Disks:

Amiga formated: 1.3G 640 540 230

PC formated: 640 540 230

MAC formated: 640 540 230

BSD formated: 640 540 230


1.3G Amiga:

/* MO130:
 * Mountlist for Amiga formated MOs with 1.3GB (1183MB) size
/* File system parameters.*/
Device = scsi.device	/* Change it to your host adapter device name	*/
Unit = 2		/* Disk unit number - HDToolBox will tell this	*/
Flags = 0		/* This is passed to the device			*/
Surfaces = 1		/* Disk heads - HDToolBox SHOULD agree		*/
SectorsPerTrack = 17	/* Disk Sectors/Track - HDToolBox SHOULD agree	*/
BlocksPerTrack = 17	/* Disk Sectors/Track - HDToolBox SHOULD agree	*/
SectorSize = 2048	/* 2048 bytes are required for the Media	*/
Reserved = 2		/* Number of Blocks for Boot Block		*/
Interleave = 0		/* numbers of non aligned sectors		*/
Buffers = 60		/* 50k for disk buffers, you may change this	*/
BufMemType = 4		/* Buffer Type: 0,1=Any, 2,3=Chip, 4,5=Fast RAM */
Lowcyl = 2		/* This is the lowest Track			*/
HighCyl = 35637		/* This is the highest Track			*/
mount = 1		/* 1 = Mount immediately			*/
maxtransfer = 0xffffff	/* Size maximal transfered in one go		*/
mask = 0x7ffffffe	/* Address for DMA transfer			*/

640 Amiga:

/* MO640:
 * Mountlist for Amiga formated MOs with 640MB (606MB) size
/* File system parameters.*/
   Buffers = 100	/* 50k for disk buffers, you may change this	*/
   BufMemType = 5	/* Buffer Type: 0,1=Any, 2,3=Chip, 4,5=Fast RAM */
   Priority = 5		/* You may want to set this to 10		*/
   Mount = 1		/* 1 = Mount immediately			*/
   DosType = 0x444F5303	/* AMIGA FFS INTL - use another type if you want*/
   LowCyl = 2		/* This is the lowest Track			*/
   HighCyl = 18255	/* This is the highest Track			*/
   Surfaces = 1		/* Disk heads - HDToolBox SHOULD agree		*/
   SectorsPerTrack = 17	/* Disk Sectors/Track - HDToolBox SHOULD agree	*/
   BlocksPerTrack = 17	/* Disk Sectors/Track - HDToolBox SHOULD agree	*/
   SectorSize = 2048	/* 2048 bytes are required for the Media	*/
   Reserved = 2		/* Number of Blocks for Boot Block		*/
   Interleave = 0	/* numbers of non aligned sectors		*/
   Device = scsi.device	/* Change it to your host adapter device name	*/
   Unit = 2		/* Disk unit number - HDToolBox will tell this	*/
   MaxTransfer = 0x7fffff   /* Size maximal transfered in one go	*/
   Mask = 0x7ffffffe	/* Address for DMA transfer			*/
   Flags = 0		/* This is passed to the device			*/

540 Amiga:

/* MO540:
 * Mountlist for Amiga formated MOs with 540MB (508MB) size
/* File system parameters. */
   Priority = 5		/* You may want to set this to 10		*/
   Buffers = 100	/* 50k for disk buffers, you may change this	*/
   BufMemType = 5	/* Buffer Type: 0,1=Any, 2,3=Chip, 4,5=Fast RAM */
   Mount = 1		/* 1 = Mount immediately			*/
   DosType = 0x444F5303 /* AMIGA FFS INTL - use another type if you want*/
/* Disk size parameters. */
   Reserved = 2		/* Number of Blocks for Boot Block		*/
   LowCyl = 0		/* This is the lowest Track			*/
   HighCyl = 1041499	/* This is the highest Track			*/
   Interleave  = 0	/* numbers of non aligned sectors		*/
   Surfaces = 1		/* Disk heads - HDToolBox SHOULD agree		*/
   SectorsPerTrack = 16	/* Disk Sectors/Track - HDToolBox SHOULD agree	*/
   BlocksPerTrack = 16	/* Disk Sectors/Track - HDToolBox SHOULD agree	*/
   SectorSize = 512	/* 512 bytes are required for MAC OS		*/
/* Device driver parameters. */
   MaxTransfer = 0x7fffff   /* Size maximal transfered in one go	*/
   Mask = 0x7ffffffc	/* Address for DMA transfer			*/
   Device = scsi.device	/* Change it to your host adapter device name	*/
   Unit = 2		/* Disk unit number - HDToolBox will tell this	*/
   Flags = 0		/* This is passed to the device			*/

230 Amiga:

Device      = scsi.device
Unit     = 2
Flags    = 0
Surfaces = 1
SectorsPerTrack   = 16
BlocksPerTrack   = 16
SectorSize      = 512
Reserved = 2
Interleave  = 0
Buffers     = 60
BufMemType  = 4
Lowcyl          = 2
HighCyl         = 27896
mount           = 1
dostype         = 0x444F5303
maxtransfer     = 0xffffff
mask            = 0x7ffffffe

PC formated:

640 PC:

/* PCMO640: 
Untested due to the lag of >512MB support.

Mountlist for AT-HD Type formated MS-DOS MOs with 640MB (604MB) size - not

FileSystem       = L:CrossDOSFileSystem
Device           = scsi.device
Unit             = 2
Surfaces         = 1
BlocksPerTrack   = 32
Reserved         = 0
LowCyl           = 1
HighCyl          = 9663
BufMemType       = 0
Priority         = 10
GlobVec          = -1
DosType          = 0x4D534400
Activate         = 1

540 PC:

/* PCMO540: 
 * Mountlist for AT-HD Type formated MS-DOS MOs with 540MB (507MB) size
/* File system parameters. */
   FileSystem = L:CrossDOSFileSystem   /* Use CrossDOSFileSystem in L:	*/
   Buffers = 100	/* 50k for disk buffers, you may change this	*/
   BufMemType = 5	/* Buffer Type: 0,1=Any, 2,3=Chip, 4,5=Fast RAM */
   Priority = 5		/* You may want to set this to 10		*/
   GlobVec = -1		/* BCPL device vector - do no change		*/
   DosType = 0x4D534400	/* MS-DOS - type				*/
   Mount = 1		/* 1 = Mount immediately, equal to Activate	*/
/* Disk size parameters. */
   Reserved = 0		/* MAC partition (-1 = no disk label)		*/
   LowCyl = 1		/* This is the lowest Track			*/
   HighCyl = 32511	/* This is the highest Track			*/
   Surfaces = 1		/* Disk heads - HDToolBox SHOULD agree		*/
   BlocksPerTrack = 32	/* Disk Sectors/Track - HDToolBox SHOULD agree	*/
/* Device driver parameters. */
   Device = scsi.device	/* Change it to your host adapter device name	*/
   Unit = 2		/* Disk unit number - HDToolBox will tell this	*/

230 PC:

/* PCMO230: 
 * Mountlist for AT-HD Type formated MS-DOS MOs with 230MB (216MB) size
/* File system parameters. */
   FileSystem = L:CrossDOSFileSystem   /* Use CrossDOSFileSystem in L:	*/
   Buffers = 100	/* 50k for disk buffers, you may change this	*/
   BufMemType = 5	/* Buffer Type: 0,1=Any, 2,3=Chip, 4,5=Fast RAM */
   Priority = 5		/* You may want to set this to 10		*/
   GlobVec = -1		/* BCPL device vector - do no change		*/
   DosType = 0x4D534400	/* MS-DOS - type				*/
   Mount = 1		/* 1 = Mount immediately, equal to Activate	*/
/* Disk size parameters. */
   Reserved = 0		/* MAC partition (-1 = no disk label)		*/
   LowCyl = 1		/* This is the lowest Track			*/
   HighCyl = 13887	/* This is the highest Track			*/
   Surfaces = 1		/* Disk heads - HDToolBox SHOULD agree		*/
   BlocksPerTrack = 32	/* Disk Sectors/Track - HDToolBox SHOULD agree	*/
/* Device driver parameters. */
   Device = scsi.device	/* Change it to your host adapter device name	*/
   Unit = 2		/* Disk unit number - HDToolBox will tell this	*/

MAC formated:

640 MAC:

/* MACMO230:
 * Mountlist for MAC formated MOs with 640MB (606MB) size
/* File system parameters.*/
   Filesystem = L:CrossMacFileSystem   /* Use CrossMacFileSystem in L:	*/
   Stacksize = 2048	/* 2048 bytes are required by CrossMac		*/
   Priority = 5		/* You may want to set this to 10		*/
   Globvec = -1		/* BCPL device vector - do no change		*/
   Buffers = 100	/* 50k for disk buffers, you may change this	*/
   BufMemType = 5	/* Buffer Type: 0,1=Any, 2,3=Chip, 4,5=Fast RAM */
   Dostype = 0x4d414300	/* 'MAC' - use another type if you want		*/
   Mount = 1		/* 1 = Mount immediately			*/
/* Disk size parameters.*/
   Reserved = 0		/* MAC partition (-1 = no disk label)		*/
   Surfaces = 1		/* Disk heads - HDToolBox SHOULD agree		*/
   BlocksPerTrack = 68	/* Disk Sectors/Track - HDToolBox SHOULD agree	*/
   Lowcyl = 0		/* This is the lowest Track			*/
   Highcyl = 4563	/* This is the highest Track			*/
   Blocksize = 2048	/* 2048 bytes are required for MAC OS		*/
/* Device driver parameters.*/
   Device = scsi.device	/* Change it to your host adapter device name	*/
   Unit = 2		/* Disk unit number - HDToolBox will tell this	*/
   Flags = 0		/* This is passed to the device			*/
/*   Mask = 0x7FFFFFFC	/* Address for DMA transfer			*/
   Maxtransfer = 0x7FFFFF   /* Size maximal transfered in one go	*/
   Bootpri = -20	/* Boot priority, highest wins			*/ */

540 MAC:

/* MACMO540:
 * Mountlist for MAC formated MOs with 540MB (508MB) size
/* File system parameters.*/
   Filesystem = L:CrossMacFileSystem   /* Use CrossMacFileSystem in L:	*/
   Stacksize = 2048	/* 2048 bytes are required by CrossMac		*/
   Priority = 5		/* You may want to set this to 10		*/
   Globvec = -1		/* BCPL device vector - do no change		*/
   Buffers = 100	/* 50k for disk buffers, you may change this	*/
   BufMemType = 5	/* Buffer Type: 0,1=Any, 2,3=Chip, 4,5=Fast RAM */
   Dostype = 0x4d414300	/* 'MAC' - use another type if you want		*/
   Mount = 1		/* 1 = Mount immediately			*/
/* Disk size parameters.*/
   Reserved = 0		/* MAC partition (-1 = no disk label)		*/
   Surfaces = 1		/* Disk heads - HDToolBox SHOULD agree		*/
   BlocksPerTrack = 1	/* Disk Sectors/Track - HDToolBox SHOULD agree	*/
   Lowcyl = 0		/* This is the lowest Track			*/
   Highcyl = 1041499	/* This is the highest Track			*/
   Blocksize = 512	/* 512 bytes are required for MAC OS		*/
/* Device driver parameters.*/
   Device = scsi.device	/* Change it to your host adapter device name	*/
   Unit = 2		/* Disk unit number - HDToolBox will tell this	*/
/*   Flags = 0		/* This is passed to the device			*/
   Mask = 0x7FFFFFFC	/* Address for DMA transfer			*/
   Maxtransfer = 0x7FFFFF   /* Size maximal transfered in one go	*/
   Bootpri = -20	/* Boot priority, highest wins			*/ */

230 MAC:

/* MACMO230:
 * Mountlist for MAC formated MOs with 230MB (217MB) size
/* File system parameters. */
   FileSystem = L:CrossMacFileSystem   /* Use CrossMacFileSystem in L:	*/
   StackSize = 2048	/* 2048 bytes are required by CrossMac		*/
   Priority = 5		/* You may want to set this to 10		*/
   GlobVec = -1		/* BCPL device vector - do no change		*/
   Buffers = 100	/* 50k for disk buffers, you may change this	*/
   BufMemType = 5	/* Buffer Type: 0,1=Any, 2,3=Chip, 4,5=Fast RAM */
   DosType = 0x4d414300	/* 'MAC' - use another type if you want		*/
   Mount = 1		/* 1 = Mount immediately			*/
/* Disk size parameters. */
   Reserved = 0		/* MAC partition (-1 = no disk label)		*/
   Surfaces = 1		/* Disk heads - HDToolBox SHOULD agree		*/
   BlocksPerTrack = 1	/* Disk Sectors/Track - HDToolBox SHOULD agree	*/
   Lowcyl = 0		/* This is the lowest Track			*/
   Highcyl = 446324	/* This is the highest Track			*/
   Blocksize = 512	/* 512 bytes are required for MAC OS		*/
/* Device driver parameters. */
   Device = scsi.device	/* Change it to your host adapter device name	*/
   Unit = 2		/* Disk unit number - HDToolBox will tell this	*/
/*   Flags = 0		/* This is passed to the device			*/
   Mask = 0x7FFFFFFC	/* Address for DMA transfer			*/
   MaxTransfer = 0x7FFFFF   /* Size maximal transfered in one go	*/
   BootPri = -20	/* Boot priority, highest wins			*/ */

BSD formated:

640 BSD:

Untested due to the lag of 2k Block support.

540 BSD:

/* BFFMO540:
 * Mountlist for NetBSD formated MOs with 540MB (508MB) size
/* File system parameters. */
   FileSystem = L:BFFSFileSystem   /* Use BFFSFileSystem in L:		*/
   Mount = 1		/* 1 = Mount immediately			*/
   StackSize = 512	/* 512 bytes are required by BFFS 1.3		*/
   Priority = 5		/* You may want to set this to 10		*/
   Buffers  = 100;	/* 50k for disk buffers, you may change this	*/
   BufMemType = 5	/* Buffer Type: 0,1=Any, 2,3=Chip, 4,5=Fast RAM */
   PreAlloc = 0;	/* BFFS startup flags				*/
   DosType  = 0x4e425507   /* 'BFFS' - use another type if you want	*/
   GlobVec  = -1	/* BCPL device vector - do no change		*/
/* Disk size parameters. */
   Reserved = -1;	/* Unix partition (-1 = no disk label)		*/
   Surfaces = 1		/* Disk heads - HDToolBox SHOULD agree		*/
   LowCyl   = 2		/* This is the lowest Track			*/
   HighCyl  = 3829	/* This is the highest Track			*/
   BlockSize = 512	/* 512 bytes are required by BFFS 1.3		*/
   SectorSize = 512	/* 512 bytes are usual				*/
   SectorsPerTrack = 1	/* Required for FileSystem			*/
   BlocksPerTrack = 272	/* Disk Sectors/Track - HDToolBox SHOULD agree	*/
/* Device driver parameters. */
   Device = scsi.device	/* Change it to your host adapter device name	*/
   Unit  = 2		/* Disk unit number - HDToolBox will tell this	*/
   Flags = 0		/* This is passed to the device			*/
/*   Mask = 0xFFFFFFFE	/* Address for DMA transfer			*/
   MaxTransfer = 0xFFFFFFFF   /* Size maximal transfered in one go	*/
   BootPri = -20	/* Boot priority, highest wins			*/ */

230 BSD:

/* BFFMO230:
 * Mountlist for NetBSD formated MOs with 230MB (216MB) size
/* File system parameters. */
   FileSystem = L:BFFSFileSystem   /* Use BFFSFileSystem in L:		*/
   Mount = 1		/* 1 = Mount immediately			*/
   StackSize = 512	/* 512 bytes are required by BFFS 1.3		*/
   Priority = 5		/* You may want to set this to 10		*/
   GlobVec  = -1	/* BCPL device vector - do no change		*/
   PreAlloc = 0		/* BFFS startup flags				*/
   DosType  = 0x4e425507   /* 'BFFS' - use another type if you want	*/
   Buffers  = 100	/* 50k for disk buffers, you may change this	*/
   BufMemType = 5	/* Buffer Type: 0,1=Any, 2,3=Chip, 4,5=Fast RAM */
/* Disk size parameters. */
   Reserved = -1	/* Unix partition (-1 = no disk label)		*/
   Surfaces = 1		/* Disk heads - HDToolBox SHOULD agree		*/
   LowCyl   = 2		/* This is the lowest Track			*/
   HighCyl  = 13887	/* This is the highest Track			*/
   BlocksPerTrack = 32	/* Disk Sectors/Track - HDToolBox SHOULD agree	*/
   SectorSize = 512	/* 512 bytes are usual				*/
   SectorsPerTrack = 1	/* Required for FileSystem			*/
   BlockSize = 512	/* 512 bytes are required by BFFS 1.3		*/
/* Device driver parameters. */
   Device = scsi.device	/* Change it to your host adapter device name	*/
   Unit  = 2		/* Disk unit number - HDToolBox will tell this	*/
   Flags = 0		/* This is passed to the device			*/
/*   Mask = 0xFFFFFFFE	/* Address for DMA transfer			*/
   MaxTransfer = 0xFFFFFFFF   /* Size maximal transfered in one go	*/
   BootPri = -20	/* Boot priority, highest wins			*/ */

Stand 14.05.2001 Copyright © 1996-2023 by Martin Bertelsmann